24 August 2016 Press releases

Future Space Leaders Will Meet at IAC 2016

A special session for students and young space professionals will be held at the 67th IAC in Guadalajara on Tuesday, September 27, from 17:45 until 18:45.

The panelists are Eleka Abello, Kyle Acierno, Yusuke Muraki, Merek Novák, and Sinead O’Sullivan. They were chosen by a international selective process, the goal of which was to find the best candidates from around the world in order to demonstrate successes in space accessibility and affordability. The panelists will speak during the Next Generation Plenary and discuss innovative solutions for the future of space exploration. Special attention will be paid to making space affordable to countries around the globe. Each of the participants will present their own research and ideas for the space industry.

The plenary event will be moderated by Dr. David Parker, Former Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency and now ESA’s Director of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration (D/HRE). After opening remarks from Dr. Parker, the panelists will present their research and discuss its results and benefits – not only for deep-space exploration but also for improving life on Earth. A Q&A session will follow the presentations.


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