... “SMC’s Launch System Enterprise in Support of MILSATCOM”, including the success of the recent launch of AFSPC-11 mission from Cape Canaveral and how the DoD is working with local launch squadrons to augment existing SATCOM capabilities through space...
... built large hives in the mobile service tower that employees were afraid to approach), provides an interesting counterpoint to Cape Canaveral. The book is illustrated with a 16-page photo insert containing black-and-white (and even sepia-toned...
.... Opportunity landed in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars on Jan. 24, 2004, seven months after its launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Its twin rover, Spirit, landed 20 days earlier in the 103-mile-wide...
... the Mars 2020 rover on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket in July 2020 from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. It is expected to reach Mars in February 2021. The 2020 rover will conduct geological...
... Ascent Abort-2, a test version of the Orion crew module launched at 7 a.m. EDT from Space Launch Complex 46 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on a modified Peacekeeper missile procured through the U.S. Air Force and built by Northrop...
...find that, in 2016, he admitted to a friend that he’d never seen a rocket launch; he subsequently viewed a Falcon 9 launch from Cape Canaveral that made him “feel different about such undertakings”. However, he could hardly be said to have ‘drunk the...