...Meridiani Planum bedrock - water flushing through the subsurface concentrated iron into hematite ‘concretions’ (as such features are typically ...that could positively identify such clay minerals. Iron and magnesium-bearing clay minerals were detected ...
...over has less magnesium, and therefore, proportionally more iron. Individual crystals of olivine erupted in volcanic rocks ...than just how the magma evolved, because magnesium and iron interchange by diffusion within the crystal structure. Diffusion ...
... 40 years. Alternative ‘storeroom’ The Moon and near-Earth asteroids present an alternative ‘storeroom’ containing millions of tons of iron, nickel, cobalt, platinum and other metals. In the last few years alone, astronomical lunar observations have...
...in their research paper. “In the early phases, AT2018kzr was characterised by a hot, blue continuum, with strong Fe [iron] absorption. This unusual combination could be used as a sign that the transient is worth follow-up observations,” Gillanger and...
... before seeking to do it for Earth. A Martian shield, however, would serve a different purpose. An atmosphere for Mars With no iron core the red planet has no natural magnetosphere to allow an atmosphere to remain in place so the solar wind strips...
... were fed a different diet of ground-up chalcopyrite, a copper-iron-sulphur mineral. They loved it too, but the growth rate ... microbe’s bodies, and are thought to help catalyse iron oxidation reactions and possibly make their meal more tolerable ...