Issue #2(2) 2014 Lounge

The vanity of machines

I was here – Rosetta’s self-portrait as it passes Mars, one of four planetary gravity assists needed to boost the spacecraft onto the trajectory to meet its target, comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

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See also


Covid-19 infects global space community


Chaos and creation – cultural directions for the space industry


Space nation reveals global recognition ambition

Popular articles

The semi-reusable Space Shuttle operated from 1981 to 2011. The crew was carried in the Orbiter vehicle, which returned to Earth like an aeroplane and was re-flown. The large External Tank was expendable, as were the two Solid Rocket Boosters. Astronautics

Spaceflight revolution on a shoestring

The remote 10-acre launch site at Sutherland Spaceport in the Scottish Highlands will be the ‘home’ spaceport of Orbex and will see the launch into low Earth orbits (LEO) of up to 12 rockets per year. Astronautics

Planning, designing and delivering a spaceport