... of rover/instrument components, instrument calibration, life detection experiments, ISRU processes, and public outreach activities. 3D print from Mars simulant. But what exactly is regolith? Regolith is the loose material found on the surfaces...
... and appreciate the value of information in a form that I will be able to access many years from now. The printed form provides an enduring record, while electronic communications offer an opportunity to quickly distribute this information over great...
... propellant tanks that meet the stringent requirements for storage of hypergolic propellants. A third innovation - our 3D-printed super space storable bi-propellant thrusters - would enable sample return from the most challenging lunar environments...
... to Mars Planetary Autonomous Construction Technologies (MMPACT) project, to test lunar soil simulant with various processing and printing technologies that could one day be used on the Moon to build in situ infrastructure. “From the very founding...
... Building with sun and sand LavaHive is a modular 3D-printed Mars habitat using a novel construction technique called ‘lava-...see www.shee.eu 11 Third Prize in competition: NASA 3D Printed Habitat Challenge, awarded at the 2015 World Maker Faire in New...
...raw materials is streamlined, 3D printers will be able to print habitation and technological modules, rocket engines, fuel tanks and ... In this proposal, only the parts necessary for printing base units and equipment necessary to receive and collect...