... science and technology. Crucially, cross-sector inclusion cannot be overlooked, as actors from various backgrounds (government, academia, commercial entities and the general public) should be engaged in pursuing the SDGs with space systems as part...
...addressing space debris issues is evident, as is the need for international collaboration between governments, private organisations, and academia, to intervene and develop policies and protocols with force of law, aimed at the mitigation and removal...
... safety; there are also programmatic aspects, such as costs or licensing. For years, space agencies, industry and academia have been developing concepts and technologies to tackle some of these issues individually. As a result, some early-stage...
... approach to space sustainability that harnesses all of the capabilities, experience and competencies in governments, industry, academia and civil society. A simulation of space debris created by India’s ‘Mission Shakti’ anti-satellite missile...
...a set of standards for activities in space, which we’ll be able to give sustainability accreditation for. Are industry and academia producing their own initiatives on sustainability that either complement or contrast with the UK Space Agency approach...
...India’s membership of the Mineral Security Partnership: establish a joint Indo-US mechanism between industry, government and academia for artificial intelligence, information science and quantum information. a new public-private cooperation forum for...