... and committed, even when things seem difficult or daunting. Students at The Space Foundation’s Discovery Center in Colorado Springs, an education-focused destination designed to inspire science, technology, engineering, art and maths students in the...
... Environmental Information (NCEI) and at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder. Dr Nair’s research interests include geomagnetic field processing and modeling, time series prediction...
.... Due to the size of the US market, Alpha Data has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, Alpha Data Inc, in Colorado, and now handles sales, manufacturing and design work from that office. Its CEO, Adam Smith...
..., a nonprofit organisation dedicated to developing space technologies for climate restoration. She is also a PhD candidate at Colorado School of Mines in the Space Resources programme. Previously, Liz was the Certified Responsible Engineer for the...
... Director of Printech Circuit Laboratories, for his support, which allowed her space-inspired paintings to travel from Colorado to Bremen and ultimately reside all over the world. The contact with Nick stemmed from an introduction...
... Isaac Smith, the study's lead author. Smith led the work while at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, but is now at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona. The retreat and regrowth of polar ice on Mars...