.... In the 1980s it was used to treat oedemas, especially oedemas of varying etymology that were hard to cure (those stemming from cardiovascular problems, burns, liver cirrhosis and kidney impairment). Research studies on the use of dry immersion...
... by the European Space Agency (ESA), to encourage young people to pursue a carrier in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects. Groups of students design and build a ‘satellite in a soda-can’, which is then launched to 1 km altitude...
... capacity in this way to have long-term impacts, especially in space-related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education programmes, and that these results will flow to the wider economy as a whole. Graphic showing SNC...
... Industrial groups might also be willing to participate, perhaps motivated by profit or for reasons of outreach to enhance STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) participation by students or the public [24]. Definition of the GEO protected...
... to Earth-control plants the microgravity plants had almost three times as many heads, while the culm (stem) was half the length, the head mass half the weight, the flower head length was...
... two-year negotiations for Brexit begin in earnest. It is possible that all the talk about a hard Brexit stems from the adoption of an initial hard bargaining position; only time will tell. Some in the industry also...