...have 40 per cent efficient multi-junction solar cells tracking the Sun, with a solar intensity that remains roughly constant as we ...bit sunward of the L1 Lagrangian point, ~1.5 X 109 m sun-ward of Earth, with the purpose of countering global warming ...
...show previously unseen magnetic activity. It is thought that the Sun’s magnetic field plays a role in heating the gas in...observatory that captures data from the lowest part of the sun's atmosphere: the chromosphere, a turbulent interface region where ...
...month NASA selected five proposals for concept studies of missions to help improve understanding of the dynamics of the Sun. These include, Solar-Terrestrial Observer for the Response of the Magnetosphere (STORM); HelioSwarm: The Nature of Turbulence...
... of these phenomena is something called coronal rain. Rain on the Sun is nothing at all like rain on Earth. While it might ... known as magnetic reconnection and it happens frequently on the Sun. Mason and her colleagues think that this is the way...
...The probe will reach its first point of close approach to the Sun on 5 November, after using Venus like a sling shot to ...Parker will help researchers to revolutionise our understanding of the sun’s outer atmosphere by tracing how energy and heat move ...
... high temperature – which is hundreds of times hotter than the sun’s surface – has puzzled astronomers for a very long time, ...made induced eclipse will allow researchers a sustained view of the sun’s immediate vicinity for up to six hours at a time; ...