... operations called for updated legal and policy guidance. Instead of individual nations working through these questions in isolation we could try to work together to develop common positions that we could then communicate to the world, and which...
... microgravity, conditions that are not part of our common experience. The environments also force astronauts to live in isolation without natural environmental stimuli such as natural air and light, without privacy, or the possibility of using water...
... of said obligation. It is usually the third element that causes the problems for nations. No treaty is signed in isolation, and the geopolitical situation at the time of treaty negotiations is often as significant as the actual activity for which...
... a sustainable civilisation for trillions of years into the future. While an integrated global society on Earth, isolated from its interplanetary environment, is vulnerable to collapse, its diaspora on a solar system - ultimately interstellar - scale...
.... Remote working limits employee interactions, knowledge sharing and collaboration and can often lead to a feeling of isolation, leading to employee retention issues. This new environment also means that there is no effective way of maintaining...
... habitable space, but also the number of social contacts. This prevents the development of conflicts among small, isolated groups. The figure shows some options for parallel construction of Testudo packages and the location of the...