... area for deep space investment. Space manufacturing has been pioneered by the additive manufacturing demonstrated in microgravity on the International Space Station (ISS) by NASA partner, Made in Space. What remains to be demonstrated is to refine...
The United States’ private space sector is robust and flourishing, not only in its most visible components, with launch service providers like SpaceX and Orbital ATK, but in all facets of space exploration and utilisation. This is largely due to the...
... and space stations for tourism and science. Taking advantage of the vacuum’s low temperatures and the microgravity to produce unheard of products, the consumables for these factories and their manufacturers will need transportation to and...
... them ‘to boldly go’ where no man has gone before. Take, for example, Made In Space maturing its microgravity 3D printing technologies with the end motive of transforming asteroids into spacecraft, or the staggering US$90.2 million recently raised...
... watercolours while in space, I am also fond of the classification, ‘Zero-g Art’, which applies to any kind of art created in a microgravity or zero gravity environment. Space art of course comes in many different forms from the highly accurate and...
.... Maybe not for a week on the Space Station. Maybe just for a few minutes, for a chance to float in microgravity, to experience the ‘overview’ effect of seeing the Earth from space, and to do so for a lot less money. For...