...perform a variety of maintenance tasks, is revolutionary to the UK/EU Space Industry. One of the possible objectives of the Upper Stage would be to tackle the issue of space junk by removing redundant space objects from orbit. There are around 34,000...
...) uses the known locations of satellites, estimated trajectories of trackable pieces of debris, and other variables to predict where space objects will likely be a few days into the future. Through this process, known as conjunction assessment, JSpOC...
... of debris will be slowed, buying time for debris removal technology to be developed. 2. Remove the debris from space. Remote manoeuvre of space objects from the earth is feasible and SERC aims to move debris into safe orbits, or even to de-orbit...
... mostly burn up in the lower atmosphere or, in rare cases, fragments reach the surface of Earth (as meteorites). Man-made space objects (MSOs), however, having been launched from Earth into orbit, remain in orbit for a long time, creating...
... RSGS satellite for robotic servicing in GEO. Cleaning up Robotics are, as previously noted, a viable means of docking two space objects, even when the client is not specifically designed for docking. There are other approaches for capturing...
... (SDC), which ingests flight dynamics information from member companies as well as other available sources of space object information to provide conjunction assessment and warning services. Operators can also subscribe to JSpOC, a US government...