... that investment into B2B technology transfer to and from the UK space sector can improve resilience, create sustainable growth, and have a positive societal and economic impact. Technology transfer is about transferring technology, skills and...
... vehicle pathway. ESS designates its motor class by HRM (Hybrid Rocket Motor) - 300 (Diameter in mm) B (Function: Boost, Sustain, or Vacuum). LAD - Low Altitude Demonstrator. SET - Single Engine Test. Dark horse Recognised from the beginning...
... habitats and off-Earth manufacturing. She is passionate about materials science and the role it will play in sustainable space exploration, and regularly participates in outreach events encouraging young people to engage with space topics. Later...
...of the Moon and a soft landing of a rover on the surface of Mars. China sees the Artemis Accords as an instrument to sustain US dominance while undermining China’s space ambitions. All this while Russia’s space programme has experienced a significant...
... the discovery of a possibly Earth-like planet an entire 1,400 light years away prompted such excitement recently. Sustainability is that area where the same kind of spirit that has been cultivated by space exploration efforts can...
.... "Whilst this project initially targets UK launcher provision and aims to help place the UK in the lead for sustainable spaceflight, we also anticipate working with launch companies based across the world," he adds. Reusability to promote and...