..., either. As far as creating a space nation for all humankind is concerned – one that has no intention whatsoever of using its orbital status for terrestrial advantage – Asgardia is the only game in town. Another part of the work I’m engaged in right...
An astronomical society on the Greek island of Corfu has linked up with Asgardia the space nation and agreed to cooperate on a series of new outreach and educational projects. The opportunity for working together came about after an astronomical ...
... mainly through remote digital sessions, the Parliament of Asgardia the Space Nation met physically for the second time in November 2019 - on this occasion in the northern European city of Tallinn, Estonia. Asgardia’s Chair of Parliament, Lembit Öpik...
Asgardia the Space Nation has issued its own Declaration of Independence following the 12th meeting of its Supreme Space Council on the Greek island of Corfu this week (13 August 2024). The meeting of the heads of all branches of power in the world's...
... Parliament for Asgardia, the space nation, Lembit Öpik is centrally involved in working to fully establish all the elements of its operational digital democracy. In this account, he shares developments from the closing stages of the year, including...
... systems and standards designed to ensure that Asgardia, the space nation, will meet the requirements of building not only structures and facilities, but a nation in space. Asgardia the space nation is committed to preparing humanity for a future...