... the microlensing planet detection method works. It makes use of the gravitational deflection of light that was first demonstrated by Sir Arthur Eddington in the famous 1919 solar eclipse expedition that provided the first observational confirmation...
... InSight is clearly the main attraction of this mission, the expedition to Mars is also serving another purpose - a technology demonstration of two mini-spacecraft called MarCO A and MarCO B, or just MarCO for short. Each craft is six CubeSats...
...on the ISS from 2005 to 2010. The Canadian firm Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates provided the Orbital Express Demonstration Manipulator System which conducted autonomous operations on orbit in 2007. Significant work is also underway in China on space...
... include the WISE Campaign’s People Like Me: space sector careers pack, which provides educators with resources to demonstrate to girls and young women that opportunities in the space sector are available to them as well. It is important that...
...100 hours of operation and thrust efficiencies of 62 percent - comparable with currently flying propulsion systems. SX3 has demonstrated several breakthrough features, such as the use of hollow cathodes, high voltage and low current operational modes...
... Debris Prize would reward the creation and demonstration of technologies that remove space junk and failed... Space Manufacturing Prize would reward an innovative company that demonstrates the manufacture of a product in the microgravity environment of...