... indefinite in nature. It is far better to react proactively and look for cleaner alternatives. This work is being undertaken by ESA’s Clean Space cross-cutting initiative (see Cross-cutting Initiatives box), aiming to safeguard both the terrestrial...
...Earth observation programmes. Funded and owned by the EU, ESA acts as design and procurement agent for Galileo on ...way. There are UK citizens working on space-related projects in ESA, in universities and the space industry across the EU. The status...
...starting and new companies, particularly in Silicon Valley, were beginning to emerge into the EO domain. I decided that if ESA wanted, as a publicly funded body, to be relevant to the community at large we had first of all to understand not only what...
...Satellite (ERS-1) launched in 1991. It was ESA’s first sun-synchronous polar-orbiting remote sensing ...ultimate accelerator in guaranteeing the maximum exploitation of ESA data. ESA also distributes satellite data from international partner agencies...
... Sphere Journal, caught up with Frank De Winne to obtain his perspective on human space exploration, from priority areas in ESA’s work to a personal view on current space trends. What are the responsibilities of the European Astronaut Training Centre...
...new LCA parameter will illustrate the environmental impacts of initial design choices at early phases of the mission. ESA’s Clean Space initiative’s second branch supports the development of green technologies that could replace existing technologies...