...our global biosphere,” adds Poynter, who specifies that Neptune’s commercial human spaceflight launches are regulated by the FAA Office of Commercial Spaceflight. The human space flight company plans to launch from the iconic Shuttle Landing Facility...
...likely because the technologies in question were developed for government needs and not in response to market demand. In human spaceflight, this type of thinking was behind the founding of SpaceX, started by Elon Musk with an initial goal of reducing...
... made, transporting astronauts to orbit via private American spaceflight technology remains quite some time away. The situation ... such as Indonesia has harboured its own ambitions for human spaceflight since 1985. Situated right on the equator, it ...
... Act for the congressmen who supplied it. The Commercial Spaceflight Federation which was set up by some of the ...is how will private actors operating in new regions of human activity be held accountable for their conduct and expansionism? Harris...
... Mars When you look at space exploration, human spaceflight is the pinnacle. Satellites, probes and scientific ...can be a useful contributing player to help further the advancement of human spaceflight. Obviously we don’t want to just do our own thing ...
... known as ‘Trash to Gas’. The idea is to develop space technologies to convert trash and other waste materials from human spaceflight into high-value products, which might include propellants or power system fuels in addition to life support oxygen...