...Dr Barrie Dunn looks at how the global space industry is pushing the boundaries of materials science and is addressing the need for more qualified materials engineers in the field. Technology in the space industry is in a constant state of change and...
... of years and to communicate with future humans. The design and creation of MoonArk exploited innovations in materials science, technology and the arts and manufacturers pushed the boundaries of digital fabrication techniques as we constructed...
... she published research on topics relating to lunar habitats and off-Earth manufacturing. She is passionate about materials science and the role it will play in sustainable space exploration, and regularly participates in outreach events encouraging...
... Like SHEE, LavaHive was designed by a multidisciplinary team with backgrounds in the fields of engineering, materials science, astrophysics and space architecture. [12] Its interdisciplinary nature supports Descartes’ initial claim for a ‘unity...
... space technology, the use of space remote sensing data for the prospecting of oil and mineral resources, materials science and space grade electronic components. Jamie Anderson (BS Chem) has over 25 years background in design, development and...
.... He previously worked with the UK Atomic Energy Authority. He has a PhD in Materials Science, University of Cambridge (UK) and a Masters in Engineering, Materials Engineering, from KU Leuven (Belgium). He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the...