... into the cosmos, the astronaut experience will change. In preparation for the real-life challenges of future missions to Mars, NASA will study how highly motivated individuals respond under the rigor of a long-duration, ground-based...
... flexibility, allowing ad-hoc production of parts as the need arises and is paramount for a logistically self-sustaining mission to Mars. Why we love lava Printing using lava may seem incredible, but is in fact an elegant and simple approach. ...
... of our solar system NASA’s Mars exploration programme seeks to understand whether Mars was, is, or can be a habitable world. Missions like Mars Pathfinder, Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Science Laboratory and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, among many...
...relevant. Another, not completely unrelated, is the need to formulate quantitative planetary protection constraints for human missions to Mars. This addresses both rationales for planetary protection - protecting the Earth (i.e. humanity) upon return...
...of five years (as per the ISS Intergovernmental Agreement, Article 22). If such an incident were to occur during a mission to Mars, return to Earth to be dealt with by a terrestrial criminal justice system is clearly not an immediate option. It could...
... the face: holographic representation of the take-off and flight of Martian spaceships after the impact event in Mission to Mars. The powerplant built by the lost alien civilisation inside Pyramid Mountain, from Total Recall. Rediscovered in the...