... nature of confinement which is part of the overall mission concept and the need for adaptation to the conditions of long-duration spaceflight which can take up to two months. It should also be noted that the issues discussed here are not...
...Bertrand 1999), but must also aim to “promote optimal performance, physical and psychological health, and safety in long duration spaceflight” (Morphew 2001). Habitability research for space has received little systematic attention so far, and design...
... full range of medical scenarios inherent in a long-duration flight. Moreover, given the high levels of ... physician and astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), completed two spaceflights: as a payload specialist from 20 June to 7 July 1996 and...
... from different countries), there was an allegation of sexual assault and a vicious fight between participants. Conflict on a long-duration spaceflight, where crew members from different backgrounds and cultures live in close quarters for an extended...
... folds, cotton wool spots, nerve fibre layer thickening, globe flattening and decreases in near vision after long-duration spaceflight. The type and severity of symptoms varies among astronauts. Our results obtained with user-independent software...
... hormone, or PTH, but it requires regular injections and has a very short shelf life, which is problematic for long spaceflights. Therefore, a transgenic lettuce that produces PTH was engineered. Designing plants able to grow in space and be of use...