..., the spectra show a tantalizing possibility for the presence of PH3,” write the team in their paper which is published on the... while more confirmation is needed for a robust detection of PH3, this is not necessarily it. “The signals that they [...
...being called into doubt, as two new studies by separate teams of scientists say there is no clear signal of phosphine (PH3) high in the clouds of our “twin” planet. On 14th September, a team of researchers headed by Jane Greaves at Cardiff University...
...year. Venus might be hot but phosphorus in the form of PH3 is only expected to form at temperatures greater than 527 degrees Celsius...~75 relevant chemical reactions to account for the production of PH3, but say its formation is "not favoured" even ...
... discovery made headlines around the world and for a good reason; if PH3 is being produced by biological means, it will be the first detection .... Even Greaves and colleagues hastily pointed out that PH3 “is not robust evidence for life, only for ...
...author Dr. Jane Greaves of Cardiff University, Dr. Seager and their collaborators, demonstrates the presence of phosphine (PH3) in the Venusian atmosphere via an analysis of millimeter-waveband observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA...
... previously been dismissed. Last year, a colourless, flammable, very toxic gas compound with the chemical formula PH3 hit the headlines when it was discovered in Venus’ thick, hellish atmosphere. It’s detection garnered huge interest as this...