... analyses progress so far. The Space Shuttles had retired and NASA’s first follow-on programme to revive human spaceflight, the Constellation Program (CxP), had been cancelled due to a cost estimate of US$145 billion, an increase of nearly 50 percent...
...it. Referring to the inspiration she gained from her own spaceflight experience and reflecting on the significance of the iconic ‘...Planet - And Our Mission To Protect It. With two spaceflights and 104 days living and working as a crewmember on...
..., the X-37 spaceplane. In effect, the secret shuttle flights marked the normalisation of military space. Romantic adventure that spaceflight might be, those in authority reached the view - accurately it seems - that there was now a public acceptance...
...marked the 55th anniversary of the first human spaceflight into Earth orbit. Those formative decades in ...to new levels. Yuri Gagarin - the 55th anniversary of his historic spaceflight was celebrated on 12 April They looked into the future, well beyond...
... of the European Space Policy Observatory at Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) in Brussels. She also served as Director of Human Spaceflight of the European Space Agency from 2008 to 2011, and Director of the Observation of the Universe at ASI from...
... body of work negating the suggestion of a predictable pattern of mood change during spaceflight. Indeed, a monitoring study of an astronaut during a 438-day spaceflight suggested an ‘impressive’ degree of stability in both performance and mood after...