... of the Human Landing System (HLS); and ESA’s Commercial Partnerships and Commercial Lunar Mission Support Services (CLMSS) for the provision of lunar communications and navigation services. A European Large Logistic Lander could enable a series...
... with the new heavy-lift launcher, the Soyuz 5, with a target date of a lunar landing in 2030. Indeed, under the Sirius programme, simulated lunar missions in Orel have already taken place. This artwork for a design concept for...
... of a small-class prototype opens the door to the realisation of future testing activities on the different aspects of a lunar mission. For instance, the level of dexterity of space robots could be largely increased by the addition of human factors...
.... A model of Asagumo under test in lava tubes in Japan. Ultimate goal One of the main criticisms of previous lunar mission developments has been their lack of sustainability. The Apollo programme itself was famously unsustainable, largely from...
... the cost of one launch vehicle. Pooled capabilities partnering. Pooling multiple mission requirements into a single requirement set can bring savings to both missions. Two lunar missions, for example, both need a launch vehicle and a lander to begin...
... initially presented by university students as part of a science fair and was later developed as an actual payload for the lunar mission. The 2D clinostat and its control box, used to simulate microgravity conditions on Earth. Although physical and...