...Asgardia, can offer humankind a different direction via a new spiral of development and replacing geopolitics with space politics. Space is endless and its development provides a chance for an eternal life to homo sapiens as a species. Not by an arms...
...design bureau in Ukraine. They also set up working groups on a range of space activities, including space stations, lunar and interplanetary missions, supplemented by polite meetings at senior level. The function of the groups, which continue to meet...
... are Russia’s potential co-orbital anti-satellite weapons (ASATs), capable of rendezvous and proximity operations (RPOs) and space-to-space attack. China entered the counterspace competition in 2007, with its dramatic test of a direct-ascent ASAT...
... of Mississippi School of Law, and his courses at the University of North Dakota include space law, history of the space age, space politics & policy, space & the environment, and remote sensing law & regulation. He has been a contributor to several...