...contributions to an international Mars Sample Return mission or other sample return missions; and examining scenarios... abort capability and provide safe re-entry from deep space return velocities. ESA’s Director of Human and Robotic Exploration David...
China’s space achievements have been well-documented: three space stations, multiple lunar missions including a sample return, plans for a Lunar Research Base and a number of Mars missions, to name but a few. In parallel, China has ...
... tortured surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus and its fascinating ongoing geological activity is a prime target for future sample-return missions. Future plans To ensure safe and productive human exploration of Mars, we need to know more about how...
...the robotic Luna sample-return missions of the former Soviet Union) were sent. We do not yet have samples of this ...the robotic precursor missions that will precede it, will eventually return samples of these materials to Earth, where they can be ...
... from almost 50 years of lunar regolith research following the Apollo and Luna sample return missions. Over 382 kg of lunar surface materials were returned through these missions from nine locations across the lunar nearside, including some...
... water in some mineral phases, and also the sample returned by the Soviet Luna-24 mission was reported to ... thermal hardware and harness are not shown. Apart from analyses of returned samples, the main source of information on lunar water (in the form...