...they boiled down to this: some of the trickiest problems in space law and policy are at the same time speculative and of global ...Mars. Getting started Some of the trickiest problems in space law and policy are at the same time speculative and...
...framework that their influence will extend to the use of space by States. By way of background, the Outer Space Treaty 1967 (OST) constitutes the central instrument of the international space law framework. The central aim of Article I, regarding the...
... risk faced by the commercial players Both the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) - the primary international professional society for attorneys in the space sector - and European Union (EU) officials have issued statements indicating...
... the United Nations and other international forums to discuss the relationship between their respective domestic laws. For years the space law community debated whether the OST permitted a private company to own resources it obtained from an asteroid...
.... About the authors Prof Dr Ram S. Jakhu is the Director of the Institute of Air and Space Law and the Centre for Research in Air and Space Law of McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He possesses professional experience of over 30 years in the field...
...and is increasingly worth considering, is for insurers to salvage the satellites. Though salvage is problematic under space law, under space insurance it functions according to the explicit terms of the policy. Technical possibilities in that respect...