... is internationally liable to other States or their nationals for damage caused by a space object of the launching State. Compliance with these international space law principles is imperative not only to maintain international peace and security but...
... As a result, the decrease in functional loads during a space mission poses a potential danger to the skeleton, and in ...for planning interplanetary missions and human activities on other space objects. BMD losses after such missions do not exceed ...
...will be the broadest and most diverse international human space exploration program in history, and the Artemis Accords...cover a number of aspects, including registration of space objects, release of scientific data, preserving heritage, ...
... Professor Russell Boyce, Director of UNSW Canberra Space. Along with contributing to UNSW Canberra Space’s research program by looking at ways to more accurately predict the orbits of space objects, Buccaneer will perform calibration experiments for...
... the OST and the Rescue Agreement. Article III of the draft Convention gives jurisdiction in relation to a manned space object to the State of registry, while Article IV devolves responsibility for the spacecraft and all persons onboard to the...
...the US. Already some have claimed that authorising such space mining activity is tantamount to a claim of sovereignty...1970s relating to the safety of astronauts, registration of space objects, liability provisions, and the Moon and other celestial ...