... an upwards motion in Venus' atmosphere that carries ultraviolet-dark material and water-rich air to the surface of the cloud layer, creating both the observed 'fountain' and an extended downwind plume of vapour. "We've known for decades that Venus...
... through the cloud, yielding clues to the chemical composition of the cloud. Combined ultraviolet and radio observations correlate to the cloud's infall velocities, providing solid evidence that the spectral features link to the cloud's dynamics...
...a structure has been seen in a molecular cloud. And, after reconstructing the chemical state and the evolutionary history of the cloud, the team, whose lead author on the research paper is Pei Zuo from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, have...
... patchy ones, are present in its cool atmosphere. However for an object as cool as 700 K, the origin of the cloud coverage has been somewhat puzzling to scientists. 51 Eri b orbits 51 Eridani, a pre-main-sequence F dwarf that is only 20 ...
... radio waves that can penetrate through the thick cloud layers. The data from Hubble and Gemini can tell us how thick the clouds are and how deep we are seeing into the clouds," Simon explained. By mapping lightning flashes detected...
... power enabled scientists working with the array to make a three-dimensional map of the distribution of ammonia gas below the clouds. “For the first time, we were able to study the atmosphere below the ammonia cloud layers after an energetic eruption...