Issue #3(21) 2019 Lounge

Space for Art – Reflections on the Moon

Brasileira de Editores de Musica
Brasileira de Editores de Musica
Nicole Stott St Petersburg FL, USA
Andrea Hamilton AH Studio, London, UK

As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversaries of Apollo, we are experiencing a time of reflection on the significance of those first lunar missions - Apollo 8 and the iconic Earthrise image, Apollo 11 and the first Moon landing, and over the next couple years with Apollo 12 through to the last time humans visited the Moon on Apollo 17. These celebrations honour the legacy of the missions, their message to us all as humanity and give us hope for our future.

I am always thankful for the opportunity to reflect on my spaceflight experience in new and different ways – like when I was asked recently to describe what the black of outer space feels like - and how I’m always impressed by the artistic mastery I see and hear being created to express the awe and wonder of what we experience through space exploration.

In this edition of ‘Space for Art’ I’d like to share The Moons Symphony by composer Amanda Lee Falkenberg, the creative result of cooperation with some of the greatest scientific minds from NASA, ESA and world-class space artists. It was recently showcased in a stunning way through the writing of visual artist Andrea Hamilton in her project Celestial Black. I’m hopeful that an introduction to The Moons Symphony and Celestial Black will encourage you to reflect on who and where we are in this universe together. That personal reflection and the action that each and every one of us can take as a result might just lead us to the solutions for our greatest challenges here on Earth.

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