ROOM: The Space Journal is one of the prominent magazines on space exploration, technology and industry. At ROOM, we share a common dream – promotion of peaceful space exploration for the benefit of humankind, all while bringing you comprehensive articles on an assortment,a range of contemporary topics. Our authors include researchers and industry leaders from all over the world, which lets us bring you the newest and comprehensive information about space news journal.
... moving across the landscape and attempting to pass through state borders to seek refuge. Some global news outlets use satellite images as illustrations but a close look at some of the images reveals an...remote sensing law & regulation. He has been a contributor to several aviation and space law focused journals, is a member of the International Institute of Space Law, is the Chair of the Legal Technical Committee with the American Institute of...
...model building. It is therefore no great surprise that Lego has embarked on its own small space programme. Entering space Space is increasingly an integral part of our culture… It is therefore no great surprise that ... writer, and a Commissioning Editor for ROOM Space Journal. He has 40 years of experience as a satellite communications engineer and consultant to the space industry, space insurance and space education sectors. He is the author of ...
... of ‘the mankind provisions’ has thus reached an impasse and, according to former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Space Law, Prof Joanne Gabrynowitz, it is “now primarily a political problem and... therefore, only subject to ...a political solution. Without supportive political action to develop the law of space, space lawyers are reduced to the 20th century version of arguing the number of angels that can sit ... New Orbital InfrastructureRecreational/Habitable Configuration designed by Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro for Thales Alenia Space. About the author Annalisa Dominoni is an architect, designer and professor at Politecnico di Milano...has chaired international symposia and workshops on design for outer space and has written books and published numerous papers in scientific journals. She has been the recipient of several prestigious awards...
... the military uses of outer space, and the author of War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics and several papers on space policy in a variety of academic journals. Dr Bowen frequently appears in media items on space policy and advises practitioners on space security and defence policy...
... Using for example Variational Autoencoders (VAE), we can model the variations of the appearance of a particular space object or a class of space objects. We can also model (or interpolate) a finer variation between objects or types. In figure ...that can be used to complement the learning process and generate ever more powerful models. The Space Fence space surveillance system built by Lockheed Martin for the US Air Force, due to be operational in ...
...philosopher, re-affirming its role as a multi-disciplinary think tank for the global space community. The Space Generation Advisory Council could initiate a project group dedicated to humanities in general, ...themselves with issues related to morality. The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) could invite philosophers to create a Space Ethics Committee. The list of potential initiatives goes on. Ultimately, it is up to us to question our... day when I was offered a job as the education and outreach officer at one of NASA’s Deep Space Network tracking stations, located in a beautiful farming valley just outside of the capital city of Australia. The ...Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (CDSCC) is one of three facilities that provides two-way radio contact to around 40 robotic ...
... around nearby worlds. Although we have planned extraordinary science, we cannot imagine the universe the James Webb Space Telescope is about to reveal. WST is not ‘Hubble’s Replacement’ but ‘Hubble’s Successor’, designed to build on... expanding, swelling like a giant balloon. Everything is moving further away from everything else - the space between galaxies is stretching, increasing year on year. Combined with the finite speed of light this ...