... if great visionary NewSpace start-up such as Planet Labs, Skybox Imaging, Generation Orbit or NewSpace Entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk (Space X), Peter Platzer (Spire) or Craig Clark (Clyde Space) have managed to open up a NewSpace Age. References...
...type of thinking was behind the founding of SpaceX, started by Elon Musk with an initial goal of reducing cost per pound of cargo to orbit ...Transfer, 27(4), 311-320. 11: Harwood, W. (2011). Musk Unveils Plans for Low-Cost Heavy Lift Rocket. CBS News:...
...http://www.nasa.gov/content/nasas-journey-to-mars 3 ‘Elon Musk provides new details on his ‘mind blowing; mission to Mars...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/06/10/elon-musk-provides-new-details-on-his-mind-blowing-mission-to-mars/ ...
.... In 1999, three years before PayPal’s IPO made Elon Musk a multi-millionaire, Jordi Puig-Suari of California Polytechnic State ... There are Instagram pictures and videos, tweets from Elon Musk, and super-slick streaming video coverage with each event....
...once relegated to government policy and planning. Elon Musk has famously made no secret that his space company... achievement in the cost-cutting of space technology and activity. Musk himself called it a “critical achievement” for the humankind’s ...
... potential yet may also benefit from government support. Elon Musk, Bezos, and Robert Bigelow, along with some of ...launch industry as competitive players. On the other hand, Elon Musk’s Mars programme is not really a commercial project though it could...