... life. Space technology transfer has the power to address pressing challenges, enhance efficiency, and create new opportunities for sustainable development across multiple industries. In the case of SkyLabs, one such technology is short-wave infrared...
... solutions for addressing space debris and other complex threats to long-term space sustainability. Dangers and opportunities Today’s space environment features a large number of space actors pursuing a diverse range of activities for scientific...
... is relatively easy to obtain it has grown to 77 member states, all with disparate national interests, and provides an opportunity for leverage on unrelated geopolitical matters. Lastly, private actors, industry and business do not have a direct seat...
... their products and services to market. With the success of the Startup Weekend space events, we received the opportunity to turn this grassroots movement into a sustainable entity. We formed an interdisciplinary and international team and set out...
... in space. At a time when it is envisaged that, in the relatively short term, many more humans will have the opportunity to go into space through the development of a commercial space ‘tourism’ industry, these risks translate not only to the...
...Although less publicised than the NewSpace ventures, more and more countries are investing in EO capacity, opening up opportunities for international or regional cooperation, and some already active participants such as Russia, India, China and South...