... the first decade of his esteemed career at JPL as Principal Investigator on the Pioneer Venus orbiter, which made the first systematic study of meteorology on Venus. Its pressure modulator radiometer, built in Oxford, was the first piece of British...
..., making use of gravity-assist flybys of Earth and Venus to enter a highly elliptical orbit around the Sun. The spacecraft... will use the gravity of Venus to slingshot itself out of the ecliptic plane of the Solar ...
...terraform another planet. That is, to redesign its surface environment so that it is similar to Earth. Our closest neighbour, Venus, is not a good candidate for terraforming because it has a hot, dense atmosphere that would be difficult to remove and...
... Schweickart are dedicated to finding a way to stop dangerous asteroids from impacting Earth. Sentinel will be launched toward Venus and with the assistance of that planet’s gravity, then orbit around the Sun about 30 million miles...
... in orbits smaller than the orbit of Mercury and the outermost of which would fall within the orbit of Venus. And Kepler 186f which was announced in April 2014: a 1.2 Earth radius planet in the habitable zone of a small...
... on its space odyssey - in late July, it successfully conducted orbit adjustment in an attempt to place it in orbit around Venus. In addition, a Mercury probe project is underway. This is in collaboration with our ESA colleagues. And then there’s the...