...contenders for what dark matter might be are WIMPS; Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. WIMPS are so prodigious that up to a billion...capture the tiny spark of light that is produced when a WIMP interacts with a xenon atom. Xenon has a density three ...
... makes up dark matter is Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). WIMPs spring from the idea of supersymmetry and are classed as...But since no experiments have ever seen even a trace of a WIMP, it could be that we should look for a heavier dark ...
... problem and despite a number of theories over the years postulating what this mysterious stuff could be, such as WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, or MACHOs, MAssive Compact Halo Objects, scientists are no closer to providing a definitive...
...as leptons. Baryonic matter on the other hand is made up of particles found in an atomic nuclei, such as protons and neutrons. WIMPS stands for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and these hypothetical particles are thought to include neutrino-like...
... unseen particles that interact weakly with other matter (particles known as WIMPS), or an astronomical body that might explain the apparent presence of...concrete has been found. Perhaps the reason a WIMP has gone undetected is because dark matter and ...
...ray signal from the annihilation or decay of suspected dark matter particles, such as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) - a theory proposed in many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. In doing so, it will help explain the...