... a technological and environmental one. This does not mean, however, that by choosing the scenario of compulsory space colonisation necessary for the survival of humanity (and with us, presumably, all other or selected animal species to be sent into...
... habitat designs about social challenges arising from life on a space station. The dominance of certain companies in space colonisation could reach a ‘quasi-sovereign’ status, which allows them to establish their own rules Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger...
... are nowhere close to reaching the red planet. Having a few robotic contraptions on Mars, does not amount to colonisation or habitation. It actually points to the contrary. The table below serves to illustrate the reality-fantasy disconnect and...
...The development of cosmic science? Protection against asteroids? Colonising the Moon or Mars? Perhaps the search for alien...that he can live there. Bringing back those who go to colonise Mars can be left until later; possibly this would become possible...
...technology does not yet exist to an appropriate standard of certainty and reliability: terraforming of alien biospheres, the physical colonisation of other planets and the ability to mine, refine and return minerals and resources from other celestial...
...matter of money, but in no way block the route to space colonisation. What does impede humanity’s advancement into the future are our own...dreaming, his ardent belief in the idea that space colonisation is not only our destiny but our indelible right, ...