... binding law has to take into account that space is, and hopefully always will be, characterised as a ‘global common’. The global common concept is not simply a matter of etiquette but has specific characteristics and principles which constitute its...
... remains with ICAO and is considered part of the global commons (which covers Earth’s unowned natural resources, such as... compatibility between ATM and STM through the use of a common system of GNSS with ADS-B over Satellite for aerospace management...
... in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty with its far-reaching provisions that provide space with a special ‘global commons’ status, forbid stationing of WMD in orbit or militarisation of celestial bodies, and specify that the use of space should...
... of resources mined in space. It has become clear, therefore, that the United States does not view space as a “global commons” and sees a clear path to off-Earth mining without the need for further international treaty agreements...
...in leveraging space-based systems for more complete MDA? Given the nature of the maritime domain being a global common, international cooperation plays a vital role in leveraging space-based solutions for greater MDA. International organisations such...
... That the Artemis Accords is a product of one country, the USA, is its major drawback. To succeed in its ambition to be a global “common set of principles to govern the exploration and use of space” the Artemis Accords require a significant political...