... binding international space rules. It might be argued that the prevailing ‘soft law’ and TCBM (‘transparency and confidence-building measures’) approach to space regulation may take on an increasing relevance by providing appropriate international...
.... He also serves an adjunct professor in the LLM in the Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law and in the Department of Political Science and Law at Montclair state University. He was a visiting scholar at the Beijing...
..., it covers IP rights, patents, the application of copyright law and aspects of private international law in relation to space activities. The volume concludes with a substantial bibliography and index. As is often the case with discussions of space...
...they do not have the binding force of international law and as such, they may well be the first casualty...with regard to the problem of space debris. Indian Journal of Law and Technology, 8, pp.1-10. 17: Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of the ...
... of all countries, without discrimination of any kind, on a basis of equality and in accordance with international law, and all the other fundamentals of space law can be disregarded when it comes to national space operations. In this context special...
... able to meet customer demand through these publicly-funded R&D-oriented programmes. However, after the introduction of the Law, and perhaps even a few years before that, industry recognised that it would provide opportunities for them to invest...