... other more rational voices. Such thoughts also ignore the uniqueness of the space domain and the ‘peaceful purposes’ and ‘common interest’ doctrines that underpin it. In short, space is different. To ignore this and simply to try to argue...
... power, which includes a military dimension, though it is much smaller than it is often painted. Two countries with hitherto ‘peaceful purposes’ programmes have developed military dimensions (Japan and India). Two axis-of-evil countries (Iran and the...
..., and reflect in action, the core commitments of the Outer Space Treaty. In particular, the obligation to abide by the peaceful purposes orientation of the treaty and to ensure that the use of space is carried out in the general interest and...
... rule of law. US space law pioneer Eileen Galloway wisely observed that the maintenance of outer space for peaceful purposes was a tangible benefit of space law. Known orbit planes of Fengyun-1C debris one month after its disintegration...
... of weapons of mass destruction in outer space. The Moon and other celestial bodies must be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. Military activities on the Moon and other celestial bodies are forbidden. Space activities must be carried out...
... provides for the use, scientific investigation and exploration of outer space by all states on an equal basis for peaceful purposes and declares that space is the “province of all mankind”. This is given further effect by Article II which prohibits...