... on the market will cause a quantum leap in new services, especially user-oriented ones. Mining space Speaking of small satellite use in the long run, companies such as Planetary Resources should be mentioned. It has already attracted a significant...
... clouds. A compressed ICEYE-X1 SAR image of George Town, Malaysia. The reason the idea of placing SAR technology on a small satellite has been previously unimaginable is related to the complexity of such systems as a whole. It has not been for a lack...
...the-shelf (COTS) components. The prospect of affordability and access to the slow but gradual development of these small satellite missions allowed international teams with limited budgets to consider owning and controlling their own spacecraft. This...
...bricks-and-mortar, hi-tech space company, and one of the few remaining independent manufacturers of small satellites. When other small satellite suppliers like Millennium Space Systems and Blue Canyon Technologies were acquired by Boeing and Raytheon...
..., as we have been recognised as a trustworthy supplier in the domain of small-scale satellites.” explains Gacnik. SkyLabs AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) avionics stack for small satellites is based on a NANOhpm-obc and picoRTU system, which...
.... Standardised technology is key A high level of standardisation and unification in complex technical systems (which include small satellites) helps move to serial production. Serial production lowers the overall cost of production and on-board...