... headlines such as, ‘Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind’ (BBC News, December 2014) or ‘Elon Musk’s billion-dollar crusade to stop the AI apocalypse’ (Vanity Fair, April 2017). Could it be that we have clumsily replaced...
...space enterprise as, despite the ‘billionaire cavalry’ (as Rick Tumlinson of Deep Space Industries likes to call them) of Musk, Bezos, Branson, et al, they cannot do it alone. It will require space agencies worldwide to coordinate the various efforts...
... architectures have been proposed with refuelling for missions to the Moon and Mars. SpaceX founder Elon Musk has proposed such an architecture for his Mars colonisation plan. The leading space faring nations of the...
... we needed to at last begin to pry open the airlock. Well before what I call the ‘billionaire cavalry’ of Bezos, Musk, Branson and the others showed up, some of us worked for decades to figure out how to fund the frontier...
... to make the system work. However, researchers believe the Sabatier system has a good chance of working. Elon Musk is banking on local fuel supply manufacture on Mars to allow for the refuelling of its BFR Mars spacecraft and...
...]. 3 “Non-rocket_spacelaunch,” [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-rocket_spacelaunch. [Accessed 13 10 2018]. 4 E. Musk, “BFR (rocket),” Wikipedia, 29 September 2017. [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BFR_(rocket...