... part of the Olympic Games live coverage. Members of the Satellite Industry Association (a U.S.-based trade association that provides representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and...
... today is a commercial market of over US$322 billion per year [Satellite Industry Association ‘2016 State of the Satellite Industry Report’, prepared by the Tauri Group]. The satellite segment is $230 billion in annual global revenue and continues...
... Today, Caleb Henry, March 2016. 5 “2016: State of the Satellite Industry Report”, prepared by Bryce Space and Technology (formerly The Tauri Group) for Satellite Industry Association, June 2016. See: https://brycetech.com/downloads/SIA_SSIR_2016.zip...
... be subject to ownership if they are removed from that celestial body. It is also possible to ‘own’ places in space. The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) has estimated that in 2013 (the last data collected), the total global...