...Earth and Mars. One important aspect to consider is the use of artificial gravity within the compartments of the Space Train. As the Space Train approaches Mars, the gravity would be altered so that when it reaches Mars, the passengers are accustomed...
...005000c. [Accessed 28 10 2018]. A compilation of some historical aspects of the Space Elevator, including perspectives from different cultures such as the Japanese Space Train can be found in “Space Elevator History Book” D. Raitt, at http://isec.org...
Another space-related volume in the ‘Images of Modern America’ series, this book is arguably about as ‘niche’ as they get, being dedicated to the geology training of Apollo astronauts in Northern Arizona in the 1960s. The unusual cover picture aptly...
.... How you deal with potential failures is as important as learning about the operation of any space system. Sometimes space training becomes literally learning on the job. For example, some instructions you receive in flight are for procedures...
... spaceflight program, which will not only allow us to use our spaceflight platform, but also offer our space training infrastructure to NASA and other agencies. Based on the unsurpassed levels of spaceflight customer commitments we have secured...