... Rhoda… your legacy may rest on the application of your ‘people’ skills toward building a constructive, collaborative, and inclusive labor management relations program. For the past 15 years, you have provided the proactive, sustained, and...
... now runs an isotope separation and analysis laboratory on Tenerife, while maintaining projects including synchrotron applications to melt inclusions and density contrasts in minerals erupted from volcanoes.
... the future, others took the approach of crafting novels based on these projections, with a nod at reality through inclusion of technical chapters or appendices. Nice examples of this approach are Adventure Above the Clouds (Blacke, 1933) by Frank...
... direction, my colleagues and I have founded the Human Space Program (HSP), a central project to ensure the sustainable, inclusive and ethical evolution of the solar eco-system. Our hope is that HSP and the Cosma Hypothesis...
... everyone vital to the success of the mission (simply because there is little financial or practical scope for the inclusion of ‘back-up’ crew members). It will therefore not be an option to simply confine or separate a crew member whose behaviour...
... from professionals enabling them to effectively enthuse and engage younger students in the space sector. Accessibility and inclusivity are key issues that must be addressed within the sector. A diverse workforce inspires innovation, and for...