..., and more importantly, international regulatory mechanisms to resolve the problem of space debris. I propose that a new international legal order for outer space should also recognise that reckless and intentional creation of space debris is a crime...
...long-duration missions could end up developing their own ‘ad hoc’ legal system, much like the apocryphal ‘wild west’ sheriff. As ...space activity, and may therefore require a different legal approach from Earth-orbiting missions. For example, distance...
... to launch satellites into orbit, but there is no legally binding mandate in place for post-mission disposal of the...creating debris in the first place, requiring a set of legally-binding provisions that mandate the removal of all spacecraft upon ...
... Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), which itself was established by the UN General Assembly to discuss the scientific and legal aspects of exploring and using outer space to benefit humankind. COPUOS became permanent in 1959, with 24 members. It now...
...US came up with federal law amendments to allow appropriation and legal mining on asteroids. As of 2016, one is wiser in...time there exists the counter argument that a vast body of legal literature as also institutions to draw upon and address these ...
... man-made attacks or threats against space assets. The legal basis for this situation lies in the 1967 Outer Space...abstentions and no opposing votes) has long affirmed that ‘the legal regime applicable to outer space by itself does not guarantee the...