Simon P Worden Simon P Worden Breakthrough Prize Foundation, USA All articles
Tim Wright Tim Wright Professor of Satellite Geodesy, University of Leeds and Director of the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics All articles
Floris Wuyts Floris Wuyts Laboratory for Equilibrium Investigations &Aerospace (LEIA), University of Antwerp, Belgiu All articles
Alexander Yakovenko Alexander Yakovenko Corresponding Member of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and Russia’s chief negotiator on International Space station negotiations 1993-1998) All articles
Alexey Yakovlev Alexey Yakovlev chief cryogenic engine designer, Isayev Chemical Engineering Design Bureau All articles
Shizuo Yamamoto Shizuo Yamamoto Vice President for Satellite Applications All articles
Wang Yaping Wang Yaping Taikonaut, Shenzhou 10 mission All articles
John Yates John Yates Atheras Analytics, Oxfordshire, UK All articles
Mykhailo Yatsiuta Mykhailo Yatsiuta Thurso High School, Scotland All articles