Col. John W. Wagner Col. John W. Wagner 460th Space Wing Commander All articles
Emma Watson Emma Watson University College London Institute of Education, UK All articles
Claire Webb Claire Webb Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA All articles
Derek Webber Derek Webber Spaceport Associates, Maine, USA All articles
Helen Weedon Helen Weedon Satcoms Innovations Group, Wales, UK All articles
Kurt Weidemeyer Kurt Weidemeyer Vice President Strategy and Business Development All articles
Peter Weiss Peter Weiss Head of the Space and Innovations Department All articles
William West William West Graduate of Space Policy Institute, George Washington University, USA All articles
Will Whitehorn Will Whitehorn President UKspace, London, UK All articles
Iya Whiteley Iya Whiteley Deputy Director All articles
Brent Wiggins Brent Wiggins Terran Orbital, Boca Raton, Florida, USA All articles
Zak Wilson Zak Wilson Chief Engineer, HISEAS Mission III All articles
Lena De Winne Lena De Winne Asgardia, Vienna, Austria All articles
Frank De Winne Frank De Winne Head of the European Astronaut Centre, European Space Agency All articles
Brittany Wiseman Brittany Wiseman University of Alberta, Canada All articles
Olivier Witasse Olivier Witasse Planetary Scientist, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands All articles
Kirk Woellert Kirk Woellert External Payloads Manager All articles
Simon P Worden Simon P Worden Breakthrough Prize Foundation, USA All articles
Tim Wright Tim Wright Professor of Satellite Geodesy, University of Leeds and Director of the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics All articles
Floris Wuyts Floris Wuyts Laboratory for Equilibrium Investigations &Aerospace (LEIA), University of Antwerp, Belgiu All articles