... in outer space and the whole world will benefit from it. US Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (GSSAP) satellite, courtesy AFSPC. About the author Gerard Brachet is a consultant on space policy issues and space applications, and...
... data links more difficult, whilst ensuring that specific telecommands and other inside information about the satellite bus (the infrastructure of the spacecraft) is obscured. Big picture The space community collectively requires a fundamental change...
...as only a company of their size can do - on the need for improved ground infrastructure and data services for satellite operators. They, in partnership with Lockheed Martin, announced a service aimed at combining the power of space communications and...
... Iranian President Ahmadinejad later stated that the launch had failed. In fact, Iran had already launched a satellite (Sina-1) using a Russian vehicle launched from Plesetsk on 27 October 2005. Much of Iran’s development of ballistic missiles and...
...– inspiration. These are not compelling arguments to put before rational government treasuries and so the wider benefits of satellites are then appropriated as part of the rationale – benefits that can no longer be traced (if they ever were) to human...
...its offer of assistance, or remove itself from any such voluntary organisation, even though it is not as easy as it sounds. Satellite image of refugee camp at the Syrian-Jordanian border taken by UrtheCast’s Deimos-2. Protected data The real question...