With companies announcing they intend to place private encampments on the Moon and mine asteroids, space mining is quickly moving from the theoretical to the practical.
Water is key to life and one of the pillars driving planetary exploration.
The intersection between science and art at a basic level is simply a means of communication and in this edition’s ‘Space for Art’ column we will continue to explore the wonderful relationship between the two.
A new window on the cosmos opened at the start of the year when scientists announced for the first time they had observed gravitational waves.
Most nations prefer the concept of greater freedom to that of expansive restrictions when it comes to rules governing the realm of space activities.
Efficient expansion of human presence beyond low Earth orbit to asteroids and Mars will require the maximum possible use of local materials, socalled in-situ resources, and the Moon presents a unique destination to conduct robotic investigations that advance ISRU capabilities.
A new report highlights US vulnerabilities and calls for a shift in strategy to enhance safety and prepare for possible conflict in space.
Helen Keen, award-winning comedian and writer, delved into forgotten parts of our space history at the 2015 TEDxESA event.
Ultimately our planet will be affected by climatic warming caused by an expanding Sun. Is it too soon to think about how we might save Earth?
Often described as the ‘third industrial revolution’ and compared to the Internet with respect to its disruptive impact on our day-to-day life.